Terms & Conditions

Terms & conditions

We are dedicated to protecting the privacy of users of our website, and this policy outlines how we will handle your personal information.
When you first visit our website, we might ask for your permission to use cookies by the terms of this policy.
By using our website or accepting these terms and conditions, you agree that we may use cookies in the manner described in our [privacy and cookies policy].
Your use of our website will be governed by these terms and conditions.
We will require you to expressly accept these terms and conditions before you register on our website, post any content there, or use any of our online services.
You agree to all of these terms and conditions by using our website, thus if you disagree with any of these terms and conditions, you are not permitted to use our website.

Payment Policy:
We offer the following methods of conducting business:
- Payment upon delivery
- Payment through debit/credit card (VISA & MASTER)
- Payment through direct bank transfers
- For customised orders or foreign orders, direct bank transfers.

All orders for international delivery are subject to any local taxes that may be in effect in the destination nation. The customer is responsible for paying all applicable taxes, tariffs, or other fees; the brand is never obligated to do so.
After placing your order online for delivery in your area, you will see an Order Confirmation on the website page and receive an Order Confirmation through email at the email address you supplied when placing your order. Any correspondence should include the specific Order Confirmation Number found on the Order Confirmation. If you placed an order but did not receive an order confirmation, you must get in touch with us to find out how things stand. If so, we'll see to it that you receive your Order Confirmation. You can securely reorder online if we determine that the order was not placed.
All correspondence for overseas orders will take place via email or our social media channels, which will provide information regarding order specifics, delivery charges, payment details, etc.

Items and Services for Individual Use:
The goods and services listed on this website, as well as any samples we may give you, are exclusively intended for private use.
Any of the goods or services, or samples thereof, that you obtain from us may not be sold or resold.
Any products or services that we believe may cause a violation of our terms and conditions may be canceled or have their quantity reduced, with or without prior notice from us.

Reliability of Information:
We make an effort to provide the most accurate product descriptions on the internet. However, we do not guarantee that the product descriptions, colors, information, or other content available on the website are accurate, comprehensive, reliable, current, or error-free, except as expressly provided by applicable law. The content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as advice or a suggestion. You declare that you have not relied on any such information while using this website.
Any information that you exchange with a third party or that is provided to you by another website is done so totally at your own risk and responsibility.

Informational property:
Including but not limited to trademarks, logos, service marks, text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, data compilations, software, and the compilation and organization thereof (collectively, the "Content"), all information and content on the website and its "look and feel" are the property of IREMOS COSMETICS, our Affiliates, partners, or licensors and are protected by Pakistani law, including laws governing all applicable forms of expression.
Neither the Content nor any portion of this website may be used, reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, accessed, modified, or otherwise exploited, in whole or in part, for any purpose without our express, prior written consent, except the limited licenses described in Section 7 or as required by applicable law.

Limited Permits:
You are given a constrained, terminable, and non-exclusive license to access and utilize the IREMOS website for your purposes. This limited license does not provide the following rights: to frame the website or any part of it, or to use framing techniques to do so; republishing, redistributing, transmitting, selling, licensing, or downloading the website or any and/or all Content (apart from caching or as required to view the website); utilize the website or its contents for any purpose other than personal use;
modify the website or any and/or all Content, reverse engineer them, or produce any derivative works based on them; assemble account information for your own or another party's gain; Use any and/or all of the Content's Meta tags or other "hidden text"; or use any other action that could put an unfair demand on our systems, such as crawlers, software robots, or other tools for data collection and extraction. All proprietary notices on the website, attached to the website, or contained in the website, shall remain unaltered.
Additionally, for your personal, non-commercial use only, we hereby grant you constrained, revocable, and nonexclusive permission to erect a hyperlink to the website's home page. A website that connects to the website must do the following: link to, but not duplicate, any of our Content; refrain from implying that we support the linked website or any of its offerings; must not misrepresent its connection to us; shall not portray us or our products or services in a false, misleading, derogatory, offensive, or objectionable manner, or associate us with undesirable products, services, or opinions. Shall not contain content that could be construed as distasteful, obscene, offensive, controversial, illegal, or inappropriate for any age. You must remove any link to the website immediately upon receiving a request from us to do so unless we separately and expressly give you written permission to resume linking. We reserve the right to request that you remove any link to the website at any time. The limited licenses outlined in this Section are automatically terminated by any unauthorized use by you of the IREMOS Online website or any and/or all of our Content, without limiting any other remedies made available by applicable law or these Terms and Conditions.

Responsibility and Obligations:
You must abide by these Terms and Conditions as well as any additional cautions or usage guidelines that may be posted on the IREMOS website to access or use the website.
You must always act in good faith, by the law, and with custom. You may not interfere in any way with the integrity or proper functioning of the website by changing or otherwise altering the website, any content, or any services that may appear on it.
Without limiting the applicability of any other term or condition in these terms and conditions, if you breach any obligation in these terms and conditions carelessly or will-fully, you are responsible for any associated losses and damages that this may cause to the IREMOS website Online, our Affiliates, partners or licensors.

Suitable use:
You cannot; Use our website in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful purpose or activity; use our website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish, or distribute any material that consists of (or is linked to) any software that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful; use our website to transmit, send, receive, store, transmit, send, use, publish, or distribute any software that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful
without first obtaining our express written consent, engage in any automated or systematic data collection activities (such as but not limited to, scraping, data mining, data extraction, and data harvesting) on or concerning our website;
violate the instructions outlined in the robots.txt file for our website; use a robot, spider, or other automated means to access or otherwise interact with our website, save for search engine indexing; utilize information gathered from our website for any direct marketing endeavors.
You may not contact people, businesses, or other people or entities using information obtained from our website.
You are responsible for making sure that all information you give us via our website or in connection with our website is [true, accurate, current, complete, and non-misleading].

Account Cancellation and Suspension:
In our sole discretion, we reserve the right to suspend, delete, or modify your account at any time without prior warning or justification.
Using the account control panel on our website, you can delete your account.

Personal Information Disclosure:
Insofar as it is reasonably necessary for the reasons outlined in this policy, we may disclose your personal information to [any of our employees, officers, insurers, professional advisers, agents, suppliers, or subcontractors].
Insofar as it is deemed reasonably required for the reasons outlined in this policy, we may release your personal information to any member of our group of companies (which includes our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company, and all its subsidiaries).

We might share your data with:
In connection with any current or upcoming legal proceedings; to the extent that we are required to do so by law; to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights (including disclosing information to third parties to fight fraud and lower credit risk); to any person who we reasonably believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that personal information where, in our reasonable opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that personal information. to the buyer (or prospective buyer) of any business or asset that we are selling.
We won't share your personal information with third parties unless specifically stated in this policy.

Transfers of Data Internationally:
Any personal information you disclose on our website or submit for publishing there may be accessible worldwide over the internet. We are powerless to stop others from using or abusing this information.
You hereby expressly consent to the personal information transfers contemplated by this Section.
We will not retain personal information for longer than is required for any purpose or purposes for which it is processed.

Protection of Personal Data:
To avoid the loss, misuse, or alteration of your personal information, we shall take reasonable organizational and technical security measures.
All of the private data you give us will be kept on our secure (password-protected) servers.
Through the use of encryption technology, all electronic financial transactions made through our website will be secure.
You agree that data transferred over the internet cannot be guaranteed to be safe because data transmission over the internet is inherently vulnerable.
You are accountable for maintaining the confidentiality of the password you use to access our website; we will never ask you for your password (except when you log in to our website).

External Links:
Any external pages or other websites that are connected to or from the IREMOS Online website are not our responsibility.
Links on this website are solely there for your convenience and are not an endorsement of the content, product, service, or provider by us, our affiliates, or our partners.
You do so at your own risk if you connect to or from any off-site pages or other websites. Off-website pages and any other websites connected to or through the site are not subject to our examination, evaluation, or warranty, and we disclaim any responsibility or liability for their conduct, content, goods, or services, including without limitation their availability. You should carefully review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of all off-website pages and other websites that you visit.
Failure to abide by these terms and conditions
If you violate any of these terms and conditions or if we have a good faith belief that you have violated any of these terms and conditions, we may, without limiting any other rights we may have under these terms and conditions:
send you one or more official notices, temporarily suspend your use of our website, or permanently bar you from doing so; prohibit access to our website from devices with your IP address, ask your internet service providers to block your access to our website, start legal proceedings against you for contract or other violations, and/or suspend or delete your account on our website.
You must not take any action (including, without limitation, creating and/or using a different account) to get around any suspension, prohibition, or blocking we may impose on your access to all or a portion of our website.

From time to time, we might change these terms and conditions.
You hereby waive any right you may otherwise have to receive notice of, or to consent to, revisions of these terms and conditions, and the revised terms and conditions shall apply to the use of our website as of the date of publication on the website.
To make sure you are comfortable with any changes to this policy, you should periodically check this page.
The remaining clauses of these terms and conditions will remain in force if any court or other competent authority finds any clause to be void and/or unenforceable.
Any provision of these terms and conditions that is unlawful and/or unenforceable but would be legal or enforceable if part of it were deleted will be deemed to be deleted, and the remaining portion of the provision will remain in force.
Events, Functions, and Special Features
IREMOS may provide unique capabilities and features, as well as activities like contests, promotions, and other products that may be offered by us or by third parties, and be subject to terms of use, rules, and/or policies in addition to or instead of these Terms and Conditions. If this is the case, we will let you know, and if you decide to use these offerings, you accept that your use of them will be governed by such extra or distinct terms of use, rules, and/or policies.

Consumer Content:
You agree that we have the right to refuse to post or remove any User Content and that we have the right to edit, compress, or remove any User Content at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to remove any User Content that violates these Terms and Conditions or is otherwise objectionable, without limiting the generality of the foregoing or any other term of these Terms and Conditions.
Any users who disobey these terms and conditions or violate the rights of others may have their service terminated immediately and without prior warning from us.
1. You hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that all medical, nutritional, and fitness-related information on the website, including all text, photographs, images, illustrations, graphics, audio, video, and audio-video clips, is provided solely for informational purposes and is not intended to be used in place of:
the recommendation of your doctor or other medical experts; a visit, phone call, or consultation with your doctor or other healthcare providers; information found on or in any product packaging or label; If you have any health-related concerns, please contact your doctor or another healthcare professional before using any of our products or relying on any data you find on the website;
Before using any of our products or relying on any information you find on the website, please consult with your doctor or other healthcare providers if you have any health-related questions. Information and statements on the website have not been reviewed by regulatory bodies, and they are not meant to be used in the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease.
If you have any questions about your health, call your doctor right away or schedule an appointment with another healthcare professional.

2. You should never ignore medical advice or put off seeking it because of any content shown on or made available through the website, and you should never use the website or any content accessible by or via the website to diagnose or treat a health issue.

3. You and IREMOS, its affiliates, or any other third party do not have a doctor-patient, therapist-patient, or other healthcare professional relationship as a result of the transmission and receipt of any content, in whole or in part, or communications made through the internet, email, or other channels.

Limitation of Liability and Warranties:
Aside from what is required by law, we do not make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, concerning these terms and conditions or the website, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose.
You acknowledge and agree that, to the fullest extent possible by law, we will never be held accountable or responsible (whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise), for any of the following:
business disruption, site access issues or delays, incorrect data delivery, data corruption, data deletion, or other data modification;
Any loss or damage of any kind resulting from interactions with, or the presence of, off-website links on the website; computer viruses, system failures, or malfunctions that may arise in connection with your use of the site, including when you hyperlink to or from third-party websites; business losses, including (without limitation) loss of or damage to profits, income, revenue, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, commercial opportunities, or goodwill
losses resulting from any incident or events outside of our reasonable control, including errors or omissions in the content.
Although every effort is made and safety precaution is taken to make the products completely safe for human consumption, it is still conceivable that some substances could trigger allergic reactions in some people or hurt people who already have medical conditions.
To ensure that our goods are safe for you to use, please familiarise yourself with the ingredients and usage guidelines that come with each of our products. Before using any of our care items to which you may be allergic, it will be your exclusive obligation to exercise adequate caution and seek professional medical or dermatological advice.
You acknowledge that you may not bring any claims or actions originating from or connected with your use of the website or these terms and conditions more than seven days after the relevant cause of action has arisen.
You agree that you will not assert any personal claims against our officers or employees concerning any losses you suffer in connection with the website or these terms and conditions. This will, of course, not limit or exclude the liability of the limited liability entity itself. You acknowledge that we have an interest in limiting the personal liability of our officers and employees.
By using the IREMOS website or by violating these Terms and Conditions, you undertake to defend, indemnify, and keep us harmless from any loss, damages, or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from a third-party claim, action, or demand.
By using software robots, spiders, crawlers, or other similar data gathering and extraction tools, as well as by taking any other actions that place an unreasonable burden or load on our infrastructure, you also agree to hold us harmless from any loss, harm, or expense, including reasonable legal fees.
In no event will IREMOS be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages at all, whether in a contract dispute, negligence claim, or another tort claim.

Terms & Conditions Created by Users:
We communicate with consumers regularly to ask for their opinion on our products and to feature them on our page. We can utilize your handle and the material (the "Content") on social media platforms (including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) by offering you the chance to feature your content on our social media channels and website;
can change, edit, crop, adapt or improve the content (but Iremos will not treat you in a derogatory manner).
We shall remove the Content from the social media accounts we control if you (or anybody in the Content) request it.
You are aware that once posted, the Content may be shared and used by other users of these social networking networks. Users of these platforms can share the Content on social media sites or websites that host it, as well as take screenshots of the Content and save it to their devices (and sharing capabilities). Please do not permit us to use the Content if you do not want to provide the aforementioned permissions.
You agree that we have the right to refuse to post or remove any User Content and that we have the right to edit, compress, or remove any User Content at our sole discretion. Without limiting the generality of the aforementioned or any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to refuse service to any users who violate these Terms and Conditions or infringe on the rights of others without prior notice and we have the right to remove any User Content that does so.

Acceptance of Notices Electronically via Website Posting and Email:
You agree to receive any agreements, notifications, disclosures, and other communications (collectively, "Notices") from us electronically, including without limitation by email or by posting notices on this website. This consent applies to all "Notices" that these Terms and Conditions refer to. You acknowledge that all Notices provided to you electronically by us satisfy all legal requirements for written communications with you. You must email us at (email) to inform us that you are no longer agreeing to receive notices from us electronically. You must also stop using this website.

You understand and agree that these Terms and Conditions supersede and apply to all earlier proposals, agreements, or other communications and are the whole and only agreement between us regarding your use of the website.
We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time by posting the modifications online and notifying you of the change. Any modifications take effect right away after being posted on the website and given notice. Your continued use of the website following the changes signifies your acceptance of all modified Terms and Conditions. Any rights granted by these Terms and Conditions may be terminated by us with or without notice.
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted as establishing between us any kind of partnership, agency, or other joint venture. Our failure to insist that you abide by any of the terms of this agreement will not limit our ability to do so in the future, and neither will our waiver of a violation of any such provision be interpreted as a waiver of the provision in question. The unenforceability or invalidity of any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not affect the enforceability or validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any such unenforceability or invalidity.
Anytime you want, you can tell us not to use your data for marketing.
A lot of websites would become less useful if all cookies are blocked.
You won't be able to use all the features on our website if you block cookies.
In no event shall we be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential, or any loss or damage whatsoever resulting from loss of data or profits, or in connection with, the use of this website.
You can access websites that are not under our control by clicking on links on this website. The nature, content, and accessibility of those sites are all outside of our control. Any links provided are for convenience only and are not intended to be recommendations or endorsements of the content found there.
Every effort is taken to maintain the website's availability and functionality. IREMOS does not assume any liability for any temporary website unavailability brought on by technical problems that are beyond our control.
copyright warning

IREMOS owns the copyright to this website and its contents.
Except for the following, it is forbidden to redistribute or reproduce all or part of the contents.
Extracts may only be printed or downloaded to a local hard drive for personal and non-commercial use.
Only if you credit the website as the source will you be permitted to reproduce the content to specific third parties for their use.
You may not disseminate or otherwise commercially exploit the content without first obtaining our express written consent. Additionally, you are not permitted to send it or keep it on any other website or electronic retrieval system.

Disclaimer for Products:
Only broad informational use may be made of the data on https://iremos.pk (the "Website"). IREMOS disclaims all liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the website's contents.
IREMOS shall in no event be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or any damages whatsoever, whether in a contract, negligence or other tort action, arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website or the contents of the Website. IREMOS retains the right to make changes to the website's contents at any time and without prior notice. The absence of viruses or other harmful components on the website is not guaranteed by IREMOS.

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